赵彦琦,1993年生,博士、副教授、硕士生导师。博士毕业于英国伯明翰大学,师从国际知名储热科学家Yulong Ding院士,期间获中国国家留学基金委及英国伯明翰大学奖学金资助。2019-2021年于英国伯明翰大学从事博士后工作;2021年10月加入best365体育官网登录入口best365体育官网登录入口。现为Green Energy and Resources青年编委、英国皇家化学会会员、英国伯明翰大学荣誉访问学者,荣获IChemE全球能源奖、杰出贡献奖、科研项目奖(伯明翰储能中心团队荣誉)、江苏省科协青年科技人才“托举工程”、江苏省“双创博士”。
1. 新能源装备及电子器件中的热管理问题
2. 基于热能存储工业过程能效提升技术
1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目(2023–2025,在研)
2. 航空飞行器热管理与能量利用工信部重点实验室开放课题(2022–2024,在研)
3. best365体育官网登录入口高级人才启动基金(2022–2023,在研)
4. 南通市揭榜挂帅(2022-2025,在研)
1. 2022年江苏省科协青年科技人才“托举工程”
2. 2022年江苏省“双创博士”
3. 2019年IChemE全球能源奖、杰出贡献奖、科研项目奖(伯明翰储能中心团队荣誉)
4. 2017年国家留学基金委建设高水平大学公派研究生项目(博士研究生)
5. 2016年英国伯明翰大学奖学金(博士研究生)
1. Green Energy and Resources青年编委
2. 英国皇家化学会会员
1. Zhao Y,Lin X, Hu M, Xu L, Ding J, Ding Y. Development and investigation of form-stable and cyclable decanoic acid-based composite phase change materials for efficient battery thermal management,Journal of Power Sources. 2023;558;232615
2. Zhao Y, Zou B,Ding J, Ding Y. Experimental and numerical investigation of a hybrid battery thermal management system based on copper foam- paraffin composite phase change material and liquid cooling, Applied Thermal Engineering. 2023;218;119312
3. Zhao Y, Zou B, Zhang T, Jiang Z, Ding J, Ding Y. A comprehensive review of composite phase change material based thermal management system for lithium-ion batteries, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2022; 167;112667
4. Zhao Y, Zhang T, Sun L, Zhao X, Tong Li, Wang L, Ding J, Ding Y. Energy storage for black start services – A review, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. 2022; 29(4):691- 704
5. Jiang Z,Palacios A,Zou B,Zhao Y, Deng W,Zhang X,Ding Y.A review on the fabrication methods for structurally stabilised composite phase change materials and their impacts on the properties of materials, Applied energy. 2022;159;112134
6. Zhang Y,Zhao Y,Dai S, Nie B, Ma H, Li J,Miao Q, Jin Y,Tan L, Ding Y.Cooling technologies for data centres and telecommunication base stations – A comprehensive review. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022;334;130280
7. Zhang T, She X, You Z, Zhao Y, Fan H, Ding Y. Cryogenic thermoelectric generation using cold energy from a decoupled liquid air energy storage system for decentralised energy networks, Applied energy. 2021;205:117749
8. 金露,谢鹏,赵彦琦,邹博杨,丁玉龙,蓝元良,谯耕。基于相变材料的电动汽车电池热管理研究进展。材料导报,2021,35(21)
9. 姜竹,邹博杨,丛琳,谢春萍,李传,谯耕,赵彦琦,聂彬剑,张童童,葛志伟,马鸿坤,金翼,李永亮,丁玉龙。储热技术研究进展与展望。储能科学与技术。2021,录用定稿
10. Zhao Y, Jin L, Zou B, Qiao G, Zhang T, Cong L, Jiang F, Li C, Huang Y, Ding Y. Expanded graphite – Paraffin composite phase change materials: Effect of particle size on the composite structure and properties. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2020; 171:115015
11. Zhao Y, Li Q, Zou B, Zhang T, Jin L, Qiao G, Nie B, Huang Y, Ding Y. Performance of a liquid cooling based battery thermal management system with a composite phase change material. International Journal of Energy Research. 2020; 44:4727–4742
12. Grosu Y, Zhao Y, Giacomello A, Meloni S, Dauvergne J, Nikulina A, Palomoae E, Ding Y, Faik A. Hierarchical macro-nanoporous metals for leakage-free high-thermal conductivity shape-stabilized phase change materials. Applied Energy. 2020; 269:115088
13. Li C, Li Q, Zhao Y, Jia Y, Ding Y, Jin Y, Weng Li, Ding Y. A novel high temperature electrical storage heater using an inorganic salt based composite phase change material. Energy Storage. 2019;1:e88
14. Li C, Li Q, Cong L, Jiang F, Zhao Y, Liu C, Xiong Y, Chang C, Ding Y. MgO based composite phase change materials for thermal energy storage: The effects of MgO particle density and size on microstructural characteristics as well as thermophysical and mechanical properties. Applied Energy. 2019;250:81–91
15. Nie B, She X, Yu Q, Zou B, Zhao Y, Li Y, Ding Y. Experimental study of charging a compact PCM energy storage device for transport application with dynamic exergy analysis. Energy Conversion Management.2019;196:536–44
16. Zhao Y, Zou B, Li C, Ding Y. Active cooling based battery thermal management using composite phase change materials. Energy Procedia. 2019;158:4933-4940
17. 冷光辉,曹慧,彭浩,常春,熊亚选,姜竹,丛琳,赵彦琦,张赣,谯耕,张叶龙,许永,赵伟杰,丁玉龙。储热材料研究现状及发展趋势。储能科学与技术,2017;6(5):1058-1075
18. 王述浩,黄云,李大成,赵彦琦,李永亮,丁玉龙,葛维春。基于ε-NTU 方法和可用能回收率最大化的储热设备建模与优化设计。储能科学与技术,2017;6(4):748-752
19. Solid/Liquid Thermal Energy Storage: Modeling and Applications, CRC Press (参编)
20. Power Generation Technologies for Low-Temperature and Distributed Heat, Woodhead Publishing (参编)
21. 丁玉龙;赵彦琦;阿卜杜卡德·艾哈迈德,一种热能产生与储存一体化室内温控冷热供应系统,2021.02.19,中国,ZL202021310101.6
22. Yulong Ding;Hui Cao;Yanqi Zhao;BinjianNie,Vehicle charging, 2020.11.03,国际专利(英国申请),WO2019162680A1