ORCID ID 0000-0002-5061-4700, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5061-4700
赵新宏,男,1979年12月出生,甘肃崇信人,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。现任职于best365体育官网登录入口best365体育官网登录入口光电信息科学与工程系。2011年毕业于中山大学物理科学与工程技术学院,获光学工程专业工学博士学位。2017.8—2018.8 美国埃默里大学(Emory University)访问学者。先后获得广东省科学技术奖(一等奖),国家自然科学奖(二等奖)。曾获评best365体育官网登录入口“青年骨干教师培养工程”青年学术带头人培育人选。主持完成国家自然科学基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金5项,主持完成中国博士后基金面上项目一项,其它省部级项目3项。 在Chem. Commun.; Nanoscale; Nano energy, J. Alloys Compd., Opt. Express等国际主流旗舰刊物发表SCI论文数十篇,申请发明专利7项。
1. 微纳光电子材料与器件
2. 能源光子学
1. 数学物理方法(双语)
2. 科研创新实践训练
3. 光学课程实践
1. 用于功能集成的微型化光子器件基础研究,国家自然科学奖,二等奖, 2015
2. 微纳结构与光子器件基础研究,广东省科学技术奖励,一等奖,2014
1. Xinhong Zhao*, Yongchu Fang, Kai Li, Yu Tao, Xiaoxian Song, Haiting Zhang, Huaqing Yu*, Peng Wang*, Enhanced photodetection of perovskite nanoplatelet devices by vertically stacked PEDOT: PSS/PbS/CsPbCl3 architecture. Mater. Lett. 290, 129467, 2021.
2. Xinhong Zhao*, Kai Li, Yongchu Fang, Yu Tao, Xiaoxian Song, Haiting Zhang, Huaqing Yu*, Zaoxue Yan*, Vertically stacked PEDOT:PSS/PbS/CsPbCl3 for flexible optoelectronic devices. J. Alloys Compd. 866, 158997, 2021.
3. Kai Li, Xinhong Zhao*, Yongchu Fang, Yu Tao, Xiaoxian Song, Haiting Zhang, Huaqing Yu*, Peng Wang*, Vertically stacked Au/PbS/CsPbCl3 phototransistors for plasmon enhanced high performance broadband photodetection. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2, 4080, 2020.
4. Kai Li, Xinhong Zhao*, Yongchu Fang, Yu Tao, Plasmonic hot carrier transfer modulated room-temperature visible light emission of Cu2O-Au nanowires. J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1575, 012162, 2020.
5. Xinhong Zhao*, Yongsheng Duan, Kai Li, Yongchu Fang, Xiaoxian Song, Haiting Zhang, Peng Wang*, Zaoxue Yan*, Sandwiched PbS/Au/PbS phototransistor for surface plasmon enhanced near-infrared photodetection. J. Alloys Compd. 815, 152331, 2020.
6. Yongsheng Duan, Yatai Zhu, Kai Li, Quan Wang, Peng Wang, Huaqing Yu*, Zaoxue Yan*, Xinhong Zhao*, Cu2O–Au nanowire field-effect phototransistor for hot carrier transfer enhanced photodetection. Nanotechnology 30, 245202, 2019.
7. Xinhong Zhao*, Yongsheng Duan, Kai Li, Yongchu Fang, Xiaoxian Song, Haiting Zhang, Huaqing Yu*, Au–PbS core–shell nanorods for plasmon-enhanced near-infrared photodetection. J. Mater. Sci. 54, 14720, 2019.
8. Peng Wang*, Guipeng Liu, Xinhong Zhao, Hairong Li, Lingshan Li, Junbo Lian, Xiaohu Gao, Zeyu Huang, Fabry–Perot type resonant modes of exciton luminescence in Cu2O nanowires. J. Phys. Commun. 3, 085006, 2019.
9. Zaoxue Yan*, Chengjing Dai, Xiaomeng Lv, Mingmei Zhang, Xinhong Zhao*, Jimin Xie, Iron promoted nitrogen doped porous graphite for efficient oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline and acidic media. J. Alloys Compd. 773, 819, 2019.
10. Zaoxue Yan*, Chengjing Dai, Mingmei Zhang, Xiaomeng Lv, Xinhong Zhao*, JiminXie, Nitrogen doped porous carbon with iron promotion for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline and acidic media. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy. 44, 4090, 2019.
11. Zaoxue Yan*, Lina Gao, Xinhong Zhao, Wei Wei, Jimin Xie*, Pei Kang Shen*, Fen Zhu, Exterior and small carbide particle promoted platinum electrocatalyst for efficient methanol oxidation. RSC Adv. 6, 66665, 2016.
12. Xinhong Zhao*, Peng Wang, Zaoxue Yan, Naifei Ren*, Room temperature photoluminescence properties of CuO nanowire arrays. Opt. Mater. 42, 544, 2015.
13. Xinhong Zhao*, Peng Wang, Yongfeng Gao, Xiaofang Xu, Zaoxue Yan, Naifei Ren*, CuO/ZnO core/shell nanowire arrays and their photovoltaics application, Mater. Lett. 132, 409-412, 2014.
14. Xinhong Zhao*, Peng Wang, Zaoxue Yan, Naifei Ren*, Ag nanoparticles decorated CuO nanowire arrays for efficient plasmon enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting, Chem. Phys. Lett. 609, 59, 2014.
15. Xinhong Zhao*, Peng Wang, Naifei Ren*, Sunken hollow carbon spheres supported Pt electrocatalyst for efficient methanol oxidation and oxygen reduction reaction. Nano, 9, 1450079, 2014.
16. Peng Wang*, Xinhong Zhao, Hairong Li, Lingshan Li, Jing Li, Guofu Ma, Jingxian Chang, Temperature sensitive optical properties of exciton and room-temperature visible light emission from disordered Cu2O nanowires. RSC Adv. 4, 37542, 2014.
17. Peng Wang, Xinhong Zhao, Baojun Li, Plasmon enhanced yellow light emission in hybrid nanostructures formed by fluorescent molecules and polymer, Nano Energy 1, 152, 2012.
18. Xinhong Zhao, Peng Wang, Baojun Li, Surface plasmon enhanced energy transfer in metal-semiconductor hybrid nanostructures, Nanoscale 3, 3056, 2011.
19. Peng Wang, Xinhong Zhao, Baojun Li, ZnO-coated CuO nanowire arrays: fabrications, optoelectronic properties, and photovoltaic applications, Opt. Express 19, 11271, 2011.
20. Xinhong Zhao, Peng Wang, Baojun Li, CuO/ZnO core/shell heterostructure nanowire arrays: synthesis, optical property, and energy application, Chem. Commun. 46, 6768, 2010.
best365体育官网登录入口机械工程楼 B513室。
Email:zhaoxhphysics@gmail.com, xhzhao@mail.ujs.edu.cn TEL: 0511-88797228