目前共发表论文40余篇(SCI30余篇),在中国科学院一区、二区期刊发表论文20余篇,包含国际顶级期刊CMAME、 IJSS和权威期刊IJNME、IJMS、CM。参加了包含国际计算力学大会等15次国内外会议。担任国际期刊CMAME、CM、MPE、EABE等SCI期刊审稿人。主持/参与了10余项国家级项目和地区级项目(欧盟科学研究委员会青年科学家启动项目、西班牙国家研究与发展项目、新加坡教育部研究基金、国家自然科学基金资助项目,沙特阿拉伯基础工业公司、美国波音公司和和中国印钞造币总公司等企业资助项目)。主持开发了国内外第一套专业纪念币仿真成形软件COINFORM;作为主要负责人参与了国内第一套专业板料成形仿真软件FASTAMP的开发工作。
1. J. P. Xu*, H. Gomez, X.Feng. A review on mathematical modelling of tumour growth with chemotherapy, Smart Materials and Structures, 2023
2. J. P. Xu, Zhijun Yin, Yang Li, YanqiuXie* and Jiangping Hou, Clinic choice of long or short segment pedicle screw-rod fixation in the treatment of thoracolumbar burst fracture: From scan data to numerical study. Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng. 2023
3. BoyuanLin, Xianglei Zhang*, J. P. Xu*. Haoqi Ni and Xinhuang Lv. Numerical simulation and experimental validation of thrombolytic therapy for patients with venous isomer and normal venous valves. Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng. 2023.
4. J. P. Xu, Xiaotian Chen, Wen Zhong, Fei Wang, Xianglei Zhang, An improved material point method for coining simulation, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2021 196:106258.
5. H. Zhu, Z.Y. Zhang, J. P. Xu*, Y. Ren, Z. Zhu, K. Xu, Z. Wang, C. Wang. A numerical study of picosecond laser micro-grooving of single crystalline germanium: mechanism discussion and process simulation, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021,69:351-367.
6. J. P. Xu, G. Vilanova, H. Gomez, Phase-field model of vascular tumor growth Three-dimensional geometry of the vascular network and integration with imaging data, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2020 359: 112648.
7. J. P. Xu, G. Vilanova, H. Gomez, Full-scale, three-dimensional simulation of early-stage tumor growth: The onset of malignancy, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017 314: 126-146.
8. J. P. Xu, A. Moussawi, R. Gras, G. Lubineau. Using image gradients to improve robustness of digital image correlation to non-uniform illumination: effects of weighting and normalization choices. Experimental Mechanics 2015 55: 963-979.
9. J. P. Xu, J.X, Liu and S. Rajendran, A ‘FE-Meshfree’ QUAD4 element with nonlocal features. Computational Mechanics 2015 56: 317-329.
10. J. P. Xu and S. Rajendran. A 'FE-Meshfree' QUAD4 element with radial-polynomial basis function for static analyses. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2011, 200(47-48): 3309-3323.
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