
Name:Shoupeng Song |
Professor; Ph. D |
Address:Room B506 School of Mechanical Engineering |
Phone: (86)013815176895 |
Fax: |
E-mail:songshoupeng@126.com |
Education Background and Working Experience |
Research interests |
Intelligent information testing and signal processing
Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation
Signal and system, sensor, mechanical fault diagnosis, non-destructive testing and etc.
Main Research Projects [1] Research on flaw detection mechanism on sparse sampling using composite ultrasonic transducer array in pipeline (2014-2017), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51375217). [2] Research on high performance CNC tool measuring and testing technology platform (2013-2015), Major National Science and Technology Projects, No.2012ZX04009031. [3] Research on Cross-fan online health monitoring and evaluation technology(2012-2013), The project of enterprise. [4] Research on automatic detection and evaluation technology for Cross-fan components(2012-2013). The project of enterprise. [5] Research on dynamic ultrasonic detection method of fruit inner damage, The Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Equipment and Technology, Jiangsu University (2010-2011), No.NZ200807. [6] Research on liquid pressure testing technique with non-intrusive ultrasonic wave, Jiangsu Province Postdoctoral Fellowship Program ( 2007-2009 ), No.0701007C. [7] Crop nitrogen and moisture detection technology based on Multi-spectral and multi-sensor information fusion (2008-2010), 863 Project, No.2008AA10Z204. [8] Research on the key technology of ultrasonic parameter Measurement(2008-2009), Chinese National Postdoctoral Fund No.20080431070. [9] The fault diagnosis technology of combine harvester(2006-2009), The National Science and Technology Support Program, No.2006BAD11A03. [10] Research on the key technology of weak ultrasonic modulation information, Colleges and Universities Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(2008-2009), No.08KJD460016. [11] Research on Pipeline intelligent detection method and digital imaging technology of defects (2007-2008), Jiangsu University Talent Program, No. 07JDG055. [12] Under water pipeline crawler and detection technology(2001-2006), The National High Tech Research Plan, No.2001AA602021. |
Main Scientific Publications |
[1] Song Shoupeng, Que Peiwen, Wavelet based noise suppression technique and its application to ultrasonic flaw detection [J], Ultrasonics, 2006, 44(2): 188-193 (SCI).
[2] Song Shoupeng, Que Peiwen, The radial self-positioning algorithm of intelligent ultrasonic probe array in oil/gas pipeline [J], High Technology Letters, 2007, 3(4): 379-382 (EI).
[3] Song Shoupeng, Que Peiwen, Liu Qingkun, An effective defect identification scheme in pipeline ultrasonic testing [J], Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 2006 , 42(4): 255-260 (SCI).
[4] Song Shoupeng, Que Peiwen, Liu Qingkun, Wavelet-based pipe flaw 2D-reconstruction scheme using line-focusing ultrasonic transducer array[C], USA: 2006 IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics(ISTP).
[5] Song Shoupeng, Que Peiwen, A fractal-dimension-based signal-processing technique and its use for nondestructive testing, Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 2007, 43(4): 270-280(SCI).
[6] Song Shoupeng, Que Peiwen, Zhang Weiyun, Design of line-focusing ultrasonic transducer array used for flaw detection in seabed pipelines[J],Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument,2006, 27(5): 547-550 (EI) .
[7] Song Shoupeng, Que Pei-wen, Liu Qingqun, Study on the acoustic field of line-focusing ultrasonic transducer used in seabed pipeline detection[J], Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics, 2006, 28(2): 227-228 (EI).
[8] Song Shoupeng, Que Peiwen, Liu Qingkun, The study of non intrusive pressure measurement methods using ultrasonic in pipes[J], Journal of Transcluction Technology, 2004, 17(4): 565-568 (EI).
[9] Song Shoupeng,Que Peiwen, Application of wavelet transform to detecting the singularity of the weak ultrasonic echo in pipes[J], Nondestructive Testing, 2005, 27(10): 535-538.
[10] Song Shoupeng, Que Peiwen, Nonlinear behavior of the ultrasonic signal and its application[J], Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators, 2007, 20(1): 128-131.
[11] Song Shoupeng, Que Peiwen, Study on fractal properties of ultrasonic signal based on normalized scale box-counting dimension[J],Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 2006, 14(1): 121-128(EI).
[12] Song Shoupeng, Li Pingping, A novel approach to the measurement of fractal parameter of inner micro-crack in materials using ultrasonic scattering, Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument (supplement.), 2008, 29(8): 70-74.
[13] Song Shoupeng, Li Pingping, Convolution-model-based ultrasonic echo separation technology and its application, Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument, 2009, 30(6): 1175-1179 (EI).
[14] Song Shoupeng, Yi Lidan, Li Pingping, Analysis on time-effectiveness of early warning system of combine harvester, IEEE Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computer and Computing Technology Applications in Agriculture, 24: 195-198 (EI).
[15] Song Shoupeng,A new signal processing technique for detecting flaw echoes close to the material surface in ultrasonic NDT, RJNDT, 2010, 46(1): 69-74 (SCI).
[16] Song Shoupeng, Ma Xiaokun, Liu Jingge, Mass data storage strategy in automatic ultrasonic testing, Xiamen China: Proceeding of the Third International Symposium on Test Automation & Instrumentation(ISTAI 2010), 4: 1504-1508(ISTP).
[17] Song Shoupeng, Design and application of digital filter [M], Jiangsu University Press, 2009.
[1] Song Shoupeng, Fractal based mass data elimination method in intelligent ultrasonic testing[P], the patent number: ZL200610040544.6.
[2] Song Shoupeng, An self-adaptive reconfiguration method of pipeline defect[P], the patent number: ZL200610040541.2.
[3] Song Shoupeng, An wavelet based denoising method for time-frequency compactly supported signals[P], the patent number: ZL200610040540.8.
[4] Song Shoupeng, An ultrasonic testing method of near surface defect[P], the patent number: ZL200610040545.
[5] Song Shoupeng, Yi Lidan, et al. Plug fault early warning and alarm device of combine harvester[P], the patent number: ZL200910032561.9.
[6] Song Shoupeng, Li Xiaofei, et al. A filtering method [P], the patent number: ZL200910031333.X.
[7] Song Shoupeng, Liu Jinge, et al. Pulse ultrasonic transmitting circuit[P], the patent number: ZL201010139346.1.
Plan for Overseas Master & Ph. D One Ph.D |