The Institute of Digital Manufacturing Technology at Jiangsu University is an advanced manufacturing experimental base devoting to education, research and development, technical service and training. The doctoral discipline of Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation which it belongs to is one of Jiangsu Province key disciplines and one of national key cultivating disciplines. Mechanical engineering discipline is a first level subject and has the right to grant doctoral and postdoctoral degree. At present, it has four professors and a research and development team including young teachers, graduate and doctoral students. The institute featuresautomotive reverse engineering,synchronous positive development of automotive and Computer-Aided Industrial Design.Based on the research landscape, we have published and served as chief editor of books including “Reverse engineering technology and its applications”, “CATIA Reverse Engineering Practical Course”, five books of “ProEngineer Wildfire 3.0 Series”, three books of “CATIAV5R17 Series”, six books of “UG NX5.0 Series” and so onin the digital design and manufacturing technology aspect.
The current researches mainly lie in:
Rapid Prototyping and Rapid Manufacturing
Reverse engineering and product development based on Physical or model
Concurrent engineering development technology of complex product
CAE analysis of complex product’s performance/Virtual Prototyping and Performance Analysis
Laser welding and joining technology
Laser processing and simulation technology
Impulse forming technology(High-speed forming technology)
Micro-nano medical device design and performance analysis
Remote operation and control technology of CNC equipment
EnterpriseCollaborative Manufacturing and Information Integration Technology
Existing equipments:
1 ATOS2.0 Optical 3D Scanner:ATOS system is the product of GOM company in Germany,The system consists of the system host, ATOS scanning head and TRITOP digital camera.

2 Articulated arm coordinate measuring machineCMM Final Acceptance:
(ROMER company INFINITE 2.0 5124 ):
Equipped withadvanced non-contact laser scanning probeScanWorks,the flexibility of the articulated arm measuring machine and surface detection capabilities of real-time laser scanning probe combine perfectly in one.

Some projects photographs:

Car dashboard development The development of electric car project

Visualdimensions inspection system platform

Panoramic machining simulation of a typical turbine blade
in virtual five axis machine tool

Intelligent CAD system for automobile inspection tools

Vehicle crash analysis animation
Address:theInstitute of Digital Manufacturing Technology, School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University,No.301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province .
Contact:Office Tel, 0511-88790373 (O); Fax, 0511 -88780276.