Recently, Prof. Fan Wei have been invited by Prof. Yan Ruqiang, the editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IEEE TIM), to be the Associate Editor of the journal.
Founded in 1963 by the Instrumentation and Measurement Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE TIM is an international authoritative journal in the field of instrumentation and electronic and electrical measurements. The journal focuses on cutting-edge theories, methods, data processing, and instrumentation design and evaluation of electronic measurements, and has an important and wide influence in the field of electronic measurements and instrumentation, with the latest impact factor of 5.6, and it is a Zone 2 journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Fan Wei, graduated from City University of Hong Kong with a Ph.D. in 2018, has long been engaged in research on equipment fault diagnosis, condition monitoring, statistical signal analysis, life prediction, and leaf-end timing. She has presided over/completed 11 various projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and published more than 30 academic papers as the first author/corresponding author. She was selected for the 8th Young Talent Support Project of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, and was recognized as an Outstanding Reviewer of 2022 (Outstanding Reviewers of 2022) of IEEE TIM.
The College of Mechanical Engineering attaches great importance to talent cultivation, and the appointment of Prof. Fan Wei as Associate Editor of IEEE TIM will further strengthen the communication between the College and the international academic community in the field of Instrumentation, Electronics and Electrical Measurement, and expand the influence of the College in the international related research fields.