Recently, Professor Cheng Guanggui's team of the Institute of Intelligent Flexible Mechatronics and Electronics of our university cooperated with Zhang Chi's team of researchers from the Institute of Nanoenergy and Systems of the Chinese Academy of Sciences to publish the paper "Self Powered Non Contact Motion Vector Sensor for Multifunctional Human Machine Interface" online in the international authoritative journal Small Methods. In this paper, a self powered non-contact motion vector sensor (NMVS) for multi-functional human-computer interface is proposed. Based on the realization of non-contact motion vector detection, a method to effectively improve the resolution of motion detection is proposed, which proves that the non-contact motion vector sensor has important application prospects in human-computer interface, intelligent electronics, health monitoring, industrial detection and other fields.

Jiangsu University is the first unit of the paper, doctoral students Cao Jie and Fu Xianpeng are the co first authors of the paper, and Professor Cheng Guanggui, researcher Zhang Chi and Professor Ding Jianning are the corresponding authors.
As an indispensable and important unit, sensors are widely used in various information interaction fields in the era of the Internet of Things (IoTs), and have further requirements for low-power and self powered sensors. The traditional self powered sensor usually works in the direct contact mode, which will inevitably lead to material wear and stability of the sensor. Based on the principle of near-field electrostatic induction, the non-contact friction nano generator (NC-TENG) was fabricated and its output signal was used to characterize the motion state of the object. Through simulation analysis and experimental verification, the relationship between NC-TENG output signal and motion parameters and structure parameters is studied in detail. On this basis, an effective method to improve the resolution of non-contact motion detection is proposed; Furthermore, the non-contact motion direction detection is realized through multi-channel signal acquisition, and the sensing stability of NMVS in non-metallic dielectric barrier environment is verified.
This work has been supported by Jiangsu Provincial Industry Prospective Project (BE2021071), Jiangsu Provincial 333 Project, Jiangsu Provincial Blue Project and Jiangsu Provincial Postgraduate Research and Innovation Project (KYCX21_3327).
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