Scholarship Regulations for Overseas Students in School of Mechanical Engineering of Jiangsu University
留学生奖学金分留学本科生奖学金和留学研究生奖学金两类。其中,由于本院留学本科生均为机械工程专业(Mechanical Engineering),而该专业入选江苏高校品牌专业建设工程,因此,留学本科生奖学金来源于江苏高校品牌专业建设经费;留学研究生奖学金来源于江苏高校“新能源”优势学科建设经费。
1. Source of the scholarship
Overseas student scholarship includes undergraduate scholarship and postgraduate scholarship. All overseas undergraduate students in school of mechanical engineeringare majored in Mechanical Engineering which is one of brand construction projects of Jiangsu province. So the undergraduate scholarship is from this project. On the other hand, the overseas postgraduate scholarshipcomes fromthe fund of “The New Energy” advantage subject construction of Jiangsu province.
2. Criteria and quota of the scholarship
1. 留学本科生奖学金标准及名额
等级 |
奖学金金额(元) |
名额 |
一等奖 |
2000 |
1 |
二等奖 |
1200 |
3 |
三等奖 |
600 |
6 |
1.Criteria and quota of the overseas undergraduate scholarship
The overseas undergraduate can apply the scholarship at the beginning of each academic year. The school will finish the selection process according to the way described in Appendix 1. The selection is based on the student’s general performance in last academic year. For example, the scholarships for the freshmen are based on their comprehensive performance in the first academic year after admission, and the scholarships for the sophomore students are based on the performance of the second academic year. Similar way applies for the junior and senior students. The top ten students in the grade will be awarded the overseas undergraduate scholarships. The criteria and quota are as follows:
Order |
Levels |
Amount(RMB) |
Number of students |
1 |
First-class |
2000 |
1 |
2 |
Second-class |
1200 |
3 |
3 |
Third-class |
600 |
6 |
The detailed selection procedures of the overseas undergraduate scholarship can be seen in Appendix 1 below.
2. 优秀本科毕业生奖学金
2. Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship
The selection and award of excellent undergraduate scholarship are in the second semester of the fourth year. Based on the comprehensive performance of students, the results will be assessed with application of students and college selection before graduation. The excellent undergraduate scholarship will award only one student per year. And the amount of this scholarship is 8000 RMB.
2. 留学研究生奖学金标准及名额
类别 |
等级 |
奖学金金额(元) |
名额比例 |
硕士生 |
一等奖 |
2000 |
30% |
二等奖 |
1800 |
40% |
三等奖 |
1500 |
30% |
博士生 |
一等奖 |
3000 |
30% |
二等奖 |
2500 |
40% |
三等奖 |
2000 |
30% |
2. Criteria and quota of the overseas postgraduate scholarship
The overseas postgraduate scholarship is decided through student application, supervisor recommendation and college evaluation at the beginning of the second semester each academic year. The selection are based on student’s general performance of all semesters before the selection, including course scores, the recommendation of supervisor, research achievements, etc. The award is accessible to all students who meet there requirements. The criteria and amount of scholarship are as follows:
Order |
Level |
Amount(RMB) |
Percentage of students |
Postgraduate students |
First-class |
2000 |
30% |
Second-class |
1800 |
40% |
Third-class |
1500 |
30% |
Doctoral students |
First-class |
3000 |
30% |
Second-class |
2500 |
40% |
Third-class |
2000 |
30% |
The detailed selection procedures of the overseas postgraduate scholarship can be seen from Appendix 2.
3.Giving forms of overseas student scholarship
The overseas student scholarship is given out by cash. After the selection and publicity, the scholarship will be given by the dean of School of Mechanical Engineering in September.
Notes: This document is formulated both in Chinese and English .If you find any conflicts, please refer to the Chinese version.
2017年10月12日School of Mechanical Engineering of Jiangsu University
Appendix 1:
Assessment Method of Excellent Undergraduate Scholarship of Overseas Students in School of Mechanical Engineering of Jiangsu University
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 These rules are formulated in accordance with the related regulations of Jiangsu province and China, for the purpose of implementing the principles and policies of overseas student’s education, promoting the improvement of comprehensive quality of overseas students, cultivating high-quality of talents with global perspective and overseas culture communication.
Article 2 All scholarships are assessed mainly according to three aspects: fundamental quality, academic records and conditional priority.
Article 3 These procedures shall apply to our school officially registered full-time undergraduates in China.
Article 4 The scholarship is divided into first-class, second-class and third-class. The scholarship amount and award winning ratio is divided into first-class scholarship of 2000 RMBRMB, which occupies one student being rewarded; second-class scholarship of 1200 RMB, which occupies three students being rewarded;third-class scholarship of 600 RMB, which occupies six students being rewarded.
Chapter II Fundamental Quality Evaluation
Article 5 Fundamental qualities for evaluation includes learning attitude, physical and mental health and civilized behavior (people who fail to pass the fundamental qualities evaluation do not have the chance to participate in scholarship evaluation)
1. Learning Attitude
Clear learning objective, be humble and fond of learning, study hard, respect their lectures, do not be absence or lateness without reasons, take an initiative teaching and research and finish each task of teaching carefully.
2. Physical and Mental Health
Be conscious of physical and mental health, establishes constructive interpersonal relationship, and take an active part in physical training, sports contests, cultural and recreational programs. Love labor and pay attention to personal hygiene,
3. Civilized Behavior
Abide by the relevant policies and decrees formulated by the Chinese government and the rules and regulations of Jiangsu University. No violations of law and discipline.
Fundamental quality evaluation is mainly assessed by class teacher, monitor, and classmates. The total score G1is 100, among which class counsellor assessment occupies 70%, and classmate assessment occupies 30%.
Article 6 In the event of any of the following situations, the fundamental qualities of evaluation are not satisfied:
1. Anyone, in violation of the provisions of the laws, who has been punished by a public security entity or by justice department;
2. Anyone, who has broken any of the rules and regulations of the school, and has been punished;
3. Anyone whose misbehavior and misconduct has a negative influence on other students.
Chapter III Academic Records Evaluation G2

Article 7 Academic records are scored by average of overseas students’ scores, which is calculated as follows:
refers to marks of each subject included in evaluation;
refers to credits of related subject.
The assessment of students’ academic records will be unqualified and they will not be eligible for scholarship evaluation if they fail to pass any exam in the academic year under review.
Chapter IV Innovation Ability Evaluation G3
Article 8 The standards of Innovation Ability Evaluation are shown below:
1. The standards of student leader are shown below (if you just take one semester, the score will be cut half):
Students who play roles as student leaders of class or school can win the extra 2 points. (It cannot be repeated and will choose the highest score)
1)校级特等奖/一等/二等/三等分别加 3/2/1.5/1分。
2)省级特等奖/一等/二等/三等分别加 4/3/2/1.5分。
3)国家级特等奖/一等/二等/三等分别加 5/4/3/2分。
4)国际特等奖/一等/二等/三等分别加 8/6/5/4分。
5)星光杯特等奖/一等/二等/三等分别加 4/3/2/1.5分。(根据团队排名酌情减分)
6)挑战杯特等奖/一等/二等/三等分别加 8/6/5/4分。(根据团队排名酌情减分)
2. The standards of academic competitions are shown below:
1) University-level Special Award/First-class/Second-class/Third-class can get 3/2/1.5/1 points, student just participates will get 0.2 point.
2) Provincial-level Special Award/First-class/Second-class/Third-class can get 4/3/2/1.5 points.
3) National-level Special Award/First-class/Second-class/Third-class can get 5/4/3/2 points.
4) International-level Special Award/First-class/Second-class/Third-class can get 8/6/5/4 points.
5) Starlight Cup Special Award/First-class/Second-class/Third-class can get 4/3/2/1.5 points. (The score will be decided by the team ranking)
6) Challenge Cup Special Award/First-class/Second-class/Third-class can get 8/6/5/4 points. (The score will be decided by the team ranking)
类别 |
主持省级以下课题或申请发明专利并被受理 |
主持省级及以上课题或授权发明专利 |
申请实用新型、外观设计专利并被受理 |
授权实用新型、外观设计专利 |
加分 |
4 |
8 |
2 |
4 |
3.The standards of project research and technology invention are shown below: (Based on identification)
Students who have subjects or technology invention can win extra score.
Level |
Below provincial-levelproject, invention patent be accepted |
Provincial-leveland above project, invention patent be authorized |
Acceptedutility model and design patent |
Authorized utility model and design patent |
Points |
4 |
8 |
2 |
4 |
4. The standards of publishing academic papers or writings are shown below:
1) Published in the internal publications (provincial / municipal /
university-level)1 point.
2) Published in the national core journals4 points
3) Published in the national first-class publications 5 points
4) Published in the international academic journal 6 points
6) 院级文体竞赛一等(前3名)/二等(4-5名)/三等(6-8名)分别加2/1/0.5分。
5. The standards of cultural or sports competitions are shown below:
1) University-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) / Second-class (Top 4-5) / Third-class (Top 6-8) can get 3/2/1 points.
2) Municipal-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) / Second-class (Top 4-5) / Third-class (Top 6-8) can get 4/3/2 points.
3) Provincial-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) /Second-class (Top 4-5)/ Third-class (Top 6-8)can get 5/4/3 points.
4) National-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) / Second-class (Top 4-5) /Third-class (Top 6-8) can get 6/5/4 points.
5) International-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) /Second-class (Top 4-5)/ Third-class (Top 6-8) can get 7/6/5 points.
6) School-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) / Second-class (Top 4-5) / Third-class (Top 6-8) can get 2/1/0.5 points.
6. The standards of scientific research project for university student are shown below:
1) Project finished within the time limit can get 2 points.
2) Accepted project can get 1 point.
3) Applied project can get 0.5 points.
Note: scientific research project partners can get points in half. Results of scientific research projects and publishing papers / application for patent scan only choose the maximum point of them.
7. The standards of excellent individual in social practice are shown below:
1) Students who participate in the social practice in summer and are named the outstanding individual can get extra 1 point; college-level excellent individual can get extra 0.5 points.
2) Students whose social practice or practice report are provincial or municipal or university-level rewarded can get extra 1.5/1/0.5 points respectively.
3) Students who participate in summer social practice and are reported by the media: 4 points with national, 2 points with provincial and 1 point with municipal (Note: the team leader can get full points; group mates in accordance with the coefficient of 0.3 and need to prove; reporters only choose the highest points in total).
4) Students who are rewarded both as excellent individual and as excellent reporter can get no more than 3 points with the provincial level, no more than 2points with municipal level or no more than 1.5 points with university-level.
Chapter V Comprehensive Evaluation G
第九条奖学金评选以基本素质测评、学习成绩测评和素质拓展测评结果为依据,综合得到最终测评分,综合测评分总分G= G1×30%+ G2×70%+ G3分,即其中基本素质测评分G1占30%,学习成绩测评分G2占70%,G3为素质拓展测评总分。
Article 9 The result of assessment of the fundamental quality evaluation, the course scores evaluation and the innovation ability evaluation are the basis of the scholarship. The comprehensive evaluation G= G1×30%+ G2×70%+ G3, the fundamental quality evaluation G1 accounts for 30%, the course scores evaluation G2 accounts for 70% and the innovation ability evaluationG3 accounts for 100%.
Chapter VI Supplementary Articles
Article 10 The assessment of the scholarship should adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, adhere to the principle of openness, impartiality and fairness.If anyone was found to have resort to deceit behavior in the process of awards, he/she will not be certified. If any students have objections to the scholarship evaluation, they can report it to the college assessment team in the publicity period (within 5 working days).
Article 11 School of Mechanical Engineering is responsible for this selection method.
Appendix 2:
Assessment Method of Postgraduate Scholarship of Overseas Student in School of Mechanical Engineering
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 These rules are formulated in accordance with the related regulations of Jiangsu province and China, for the purpose of implementing the principles and policies of overseas student’s education, promoting the improvement of comprehensive quality of overseas students, cultivating high-quality of talents with global perspective and overseas culture communication.
Article 2 The postgraduate scholarship is assessed mainly according to three aspects: fundamental quality, academic records, research ability and student leader and activities participation.
Article 3 These procedures shall apply to our school officially registered full-time students in China.
Article 4 The scholarships are divided into postgraduate scholarship and PhD scholarship. The postgraduate scholarship is divided into first-class, second-class and third-class scholarships. The scholarship amount and award winning ratio is divided into first-class scholarship of 2500 RMB, which occupies 30% of students participating selection; second-class scholarship of 2000 RMB, which occupies 40% of students participating selection;third-class scholarship of 1500 RMB, which occupies 30% of students participating selection.The PhD scholarship is divided into first-class, second-class and third-class scholarships. The scholarship amount and award winning ratio is divided into first-class scholarship of 3500 RMB, which occupies 30% of students participating selection; second-class scholarship of 3000 RMB, which occupies 40% of students participating selection;third-class scholarship of 2500 RMB, which occupies 30% of students participating selection.
Chapter II Fundamental Quality Evaluation G1
Article 5 Fundamental qualities for evaluation includes learning attitude, physical and mental health and civilized behavior (people who fail to pass the fundamental qualities evaluation do not have the chance to participate in scholarship evaluation)
Learning Attitude
Clear learning objective, be humble and fond of learning, study hard, respect their lectures, do not be absence or lateness without reasons, take an initiative teaching and research and finish each task of teaching carefully.
Physical and Mental Health
Be conscious of physical and mental health, establishes constructive interpersonal relationship, and take an active part in physical training, sports contests, cultural and recreational programs. Love labor and pay attention to personal hygiene,
Civilized Behavior
Abide by the relevant policies and decrees formulated by the Chinese government and the rules and regulations of Jiangsu University. No violations of law and discipline.
Fundamental quality evaluation is mainly assessed by supervisor and deputy dean. The total score G1is 100, among which supervisor’s assessment occupies 50% and assessment of foreign affairs teacher occupies 50%.
Article 6 In the event of any of the following situations, the fundamental qualities of evaluation are not satisfied:
1. Anyone, in violation of the provisions of the laws, who has been punished by a public security entity or by justice department;
2. Anyone, who has broken any of the rules and regulations of the school, and has been punished;
3. Anyone whose misbehavior and misconduct has a negative influence on other students.
Chapter III Academic Records Evaluation G2

Article 7 Academic records are scored by average of overseas students’ scores, which is calculated as follows:
refers to marks of each subject included in evaluation;
refers to credits of related subject.
The assessment of students’ academic records will be unqualified and they will not be eligible for scholarship evaluation if they fail to pass any exam in the academic year under review.
Chapter IV Innovation Ability Evaluation G3
Article 8 The standards of Innovation Ability Evaluation are shown below:
Innovation ability evaluation G3is mainly divided into published papers (G31), patent (G32), scientific research achievement award (G33), research project (G34), academic writing (G35), science and technology competition (G36).
刊物级别 |
分数 |
1 |
检索 |
6 (IF<1.5) 8 (1.5≤IF<3) 10 (3≤IF<5) 20 (IF≥5) |
2 |
源期刊发表,含在线发表 |
4 |
EI |
3 |
源期刊(发表并检索) |
4 |
4 |
源期刊(发表,含在线发表) |
1.5 |
5 |
参加境外国际会议或国际交流(需证明材料) |
3 |
6 |
境内国际会议(投稿并检索) |
1 |
7 |
ISTP(检索) |
1 |
8 |
SCD、CSCD源期刊、核心期刊 境内国际专业学术会议论文(发表) |
0.8 |
9 |
统计源(发表) 国内一级学会会议论文(发表) |
0.6 |
10 |
校、市、省等内部刊物 二级学会会议论文(发表) |
0.4 |
(1) Published papers (G31): the scores are based on the level of publication (each paper is according to the highest level, not to calculation repeatedly;for the accepted but has not be published paper, a copy of the publication fee receipt must be provided).
Table 1 (Supervisor first and student second or student first)
Level |
Points |
1 |
Has been indexed |
6 (IF<1.5) 8 (1.5≤IF<3) 10 (3≤IF<5) 20 (IF≥5) |
2 |
Published by source journal, including online version |
4 |
EI |
3 |
Published by source journal and indexed |
4 |
4 |
Published by source journal, including online version |
1.5 |
5 |
Published in the proceedings of overseas international conference |
3 |
6 |
Published in the proceedings of domestic international conference (indexed) |
1 |
7 |
ISTP indexed |
1 |
8 |
SCD, CSCD source journals, core journals, or domestic and international professional academic conference papers (published) |
0.8 |
9 |
Statistical source (published) Proceedings of the first-level Society conference in China (published) |
0.6 |
10 |
Internal publications such as university, city and province Proceedings of the second-level Society Conference (published) |
0.4 |
专利类型 |
分数 |
1 |
发明专利授权 |
6 |
2 |
发明专利受理 |
2 |
3 |
实用新型专利授权、外观设计授权或软件著作权登记 |
1 |
4 |
PCT受理 |
8 |
5 |
PCT授权 |
18 |
(2) Patent (G32): the score of the patent is calculated according to the type of patent.
Table 2(Supervisor first and student second or student first)
Patent Types |
Points |
1 |
Authorized invention patent |
6 |
2 |
Accepted invention patent |
2 |
3 |
Authorized utility model patent or design patent, or registration of software copyright |
1 |
4 |
Accepted PCT patent |
8 |
5 |
Authorized PCT |
18 |
G23=〔 (
奖项 级别 |
分数 |
一等奖 |
二等奖 |
三等奖 |
1 |
国家级 |
220 |
120 |
2 |
省部级 |
80 |
60 |
30 |
3 |
市厅级 |
20 |
10 |
6 |
(3)Scientific research achievement award (G33): The score is according to the winning grade and the rank. The calculation method is as follows:
G23=〔 (
where,n is the total number of winners; I is the rank of each winner; G0is the score.
Table 3
Awards Level |
Points |
First prize |
Second prize |
Third prize |
1 |
National |
220 |
120 |
2 |
Provincial |
80 |
60 |
30 |
3 |
Municipal |
20 |
10 |
6 |
名称 |
分数 |
1 |
研究生创新基金省立省助 |
8 |
2 |
研究生创新基金省立校助 |
4 |
3 |
博士聚集计划(省立项) |
4 |
4 |
学校科研立项 |
2 |
(4) Research project (G34): the projects finished within the time limit can get the full scores, while unfinished projects can only get half;only the student who hosts the project can get the score.
Table 4
Projects |
Points |
1 |
Provincial graduate innovation foundation (funded by the province) |
8 |
2 |
Provincial graduate innovation foundation (funded by the university) |
4 |
3 |
Doctoral Program (provincial) |
4 |
4 |
Scientific research projects of the university |
2 |
G25=〔 (
(5) Academic writings (G35)
Each published text book can get 3 points according to the rank; each published academic monograph scan get 6 points according to the rank. The calculation method is as follows:
G25=〔 (
where,n is the total number of the author; i is the rank of each author's rank; G0is the score.
G36=〔 (
奖项 级别 |
基础分数 |
一等奖 |
二等奖 |
三等奖 |
1 |
国际级 |
12 |
9 |
6 |
2 |
国家级 |
9 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
省级 |
6 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
校、市级 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
5 |
院级 |
1 |
0.5 |
0.3 |
(6) Science and technology competition (G36): The score is calculated according to the winning grade and the rank (according to the highest level of calculation points with no repetition), the calculation is as follows:
G25=〔 (
where,n is the total number of winners;i is the rank of each winner; G0is the score
Table 5
Awards Level |
Points |
First-class |
Second-class |
Third-class |
1 |
International |
12 |
9 |
6 |
2 |
National |
9 |
6 |
4 |
3 |
Provincial |
6 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
University-level, Municipal |
4 |
2 |
1 |
5 |
College-level |
1 |
0.5 |
0.3 |
第五章 学生干部和活动参与情况G3
Chapter V Student Leader and Activity Participation
1.The standards of student leader are shown below (if you just take one semester, the score will be cut half)
Students who play roles as student leaders of class or school can win the extra 2 points. (It cannot be repeated and will choose the highest score)
6) 院级文体竞赛一等(前3名)/二等(4-5名)/三等(6-8名)分别加2/1/0.5分。
2. The standards of cultural or sports competitions are shown below:
1) University-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) / Second-class (Top 4-5) / Third-class (Top 6-8) can get 3/2/1 points.
2) Municipal-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) / Second-class (Top 4-5) / Third-class (Top 6-8) can get 4/3/2 points.
3) Provincial-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) /Second-class (Top 4-5)/ Third-class (Top 6-8)can get 5/4/3 points.
4) National-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) / Second-class (Top 4-5) /Third-class (Top 6-8) can get 6/5/4 points.
5) International-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) /Second-class (Top 4-5)/ Third-class (Top 6-8) can get 7/6/5 points.
6) School-level cultural or sports competitions First-class (Top 3) / Second-class (Top 4-5) / Third-class (Top 6-8) can get 2/1/0.5 points.
3. The standards of excellent individual in social practice are shown below:
1) Students who participate in the social practice in summer and are named the outstanding individual can get extra 1 point; college-level excellent individual can get extra 0.5 points.
2) Students whose social practice or practice report are provincial or municipal or university-level rewarded can get extra 1.5/1/0.5 points respectively.
3) Students who participate in summer social practice and are reported by the media: 4 points with national, 2 points with provincial and 1 point with municipal (Note: the team leader can get full points; group mates in accordance with the coefficient of 0.3 and need to prove; reporters only choose the highest points in total).
4) Students who are rewarded both as excellent individual and as excellent reporter can get no more than 3 points with the provincial level, no more than 2points with municipal level or no more than 1.5 points with university-level.
Chapter V Comprehensive Evaluation G
第九条奖学金评选以基本素质测评、学习成绩测评和素质拓展测评结果为依据,综合得到最终测评分,综合测评分总分G= G1×30%+ G2×70%+ G3分,即其中基本素质测评分G1占30%,学习成绩测评分G2占70%,G3为素质拓展测评总分。
Article 9 The result of assessment of the fundamental quality evaluation, the course scores evaluation and the innovation ability evaluation are the basis of the scholarship. The comprehensive evaluation G= G1×30%+ G2×70%+ G3, the fundamental quality evaluation G1 accounts for 30%, the course scores evaluation G2 accounts for 70% and the innovation ability evaluationG3 accounts for 100%.
Chapter VI Supplementary Articles
Article 10 the assessment of the scholarship should adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, adhere to the principle of openness, impartiality and fairness.If anyone was found to have resort to deceit behavior in the process of awards, he/she will not be certified. If any students have objections to the scholarship evaluation, they can report it to the college assessment team in the publicity period (within 5 working days).
Article 11 School of Mechanical Engineering is responsible for this selection method.